A Growing Concern: Childhood Hypertension

By Sean Davids

High blood pressure, or hypertension, at one time was believed to be strictly associated with adults, with the possibility of contracting it growing larger with age. However, with an increasing number of children now suffering from hypertension, a great deal of importance is being paid to this issue. Some studies indicate that up to 6% of teenagers and 1% of children below the age of 12 suffer from this problem. If a child's blood pressure exceeds that of 95% of others in his age group it is considered to be hypertension. To identify the cause of hypertension in children is becoming a significant concern.

It is a well know fact that Americans, as a nation, are becoming increasingly overweight. That this situation is not confined to adults and can affect even children is a factor that is sometimes ignored. A startling 33% of children in this country are thought to be overweight to some extent. This is the main reason for childhood hypertension.

There are ongoing studies on the link between overweight and high blood pressure, but we certainly know without doubt that such a link exists both in kids and in grownups. Without the need for any medical intervention, this is the one factor that can be easily managed. If children are encouraged to spend more time outdoors, their natural energy will cause them to indulge in physical activity that will burn up the extra calories. This will go far in eliminating a key cause of hypertension in kids.

But obesity is not always caused by lack of exercise. A reason for obesity and the consequent cause of hypertension in children can be genetic. If the parents have diabetes or excess weight, then children should be examined to see if they have glandular or genetic problems that can be treated with drugs.

High blood pressure in kids is often caused by poor dietary habits. Unhealthy ways of eating and junk food are very appealing to kids. Foods that contribute to high blood pressure in kids are typically fast foods, and teenagers like to congregate in these places. Once in the premises, their consumption of this unhealthy food tends to rise dramatically.

There are various medical conditions which are hard to discern which could also be a cause of childhood hypertension. They include sleep apnea, even mild forms, kidney issues, glandular issues, and lupus. Also, psychological problems can cause children to eat too much. If a child has hypertension, it's essential to talk to a physician, even if the obvious cause appears to be obesity. There could be underlying factors that may require treatment along with the elimination of the obesity problem. - 32389

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Tobacco Use and Its Effects on Your Heart

By Keira Adams

Even those who love to smoke and chew tobacco are aware of its evil effects upon them. Your personal doctor has probably warned you about its harmful effects, but you can also find information from the Surgeon General's office and from campaigns all across the country. Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable heart disease and heart attacks in the United States and also in the rest of the world. By smoking you increase your risk of heart attack by at least 300%.

Smoking results in rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, and lessens the quantity of oxygen in your blood. All of these factors combined put you at a higher risk of heart disease and attack.

Smoking includes utilizing pipes, cigarettes, and cigars. Although a lot of people believe that smoking cigars and pipes isn't as risky, the reality is that they have greater nicotine amounts along with other harmful substances.

One of the things that people frequently believe is that the use of smokeless tobacco will do less damage to your body than the use of a cigarette or cigar. This is any form of tobacco, whether you chew, smoke or sniff it. This habit is equally dangerous to the heart. In fact, if you use smokeless tobacco you're twice as likely to have a heart attack as someone who doesn't. And if you smoke and use smokeless tobacco you're actually four times more likely to have a heart attack than someone who doesn't use tobacco at all. And, in contrast to some habits which are all right if done moderately, using tobacco has no health advantages at all and doesn't have a safe level of utilization.

But there is good news. If you use tobacco, you can stop using it and tobacco's effects will start lessening. For a light smoker, your risk of heart disease can be reduced to that of a nonsmoker in as few as five to ten years of a nonsmoking lifestyle. If you smoke heavily, you can lessen your risk a lot, yet it might not ever get totally eliminated.

If you use any form of tobacco, now is the time to quit. You don't want to develop a heart condition, so stop that bad habit now. Sadly, a large number of individuals wait to stop till they get ill. At this point, several effects aren't reversible, although stopping can enhance your opportunities of surviving and your life's quality. But the sooner you quit, the better. - 32389

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How to Prevent Heart Disease - 3 Tips for Your Health

By Marie Nolan

Preventing heart disease isn't just watching what you eat. And while reviewing your diet is a smart initial step, what else do you need to do to forestall this killer condition?

Tip Number 1: Ban the Trans

You've undoubtedly seen commercials where food labels exclaim, "Zero trans fats!". But do they really have zero, or are those labels wrong?

A food may legally say it contains no trans fatty acids per serving, if the amount is less 0.49 grams. However that does not mean there are no trans fats in it!

Therefore if you eat many servings of food which claim to not have any trans fats and really take in nearly a 0.5 a gram with each serving, you're obtaining much more than you think.

Read the food label; if there's anything on it which reads "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" that indicates trans fats. Put it down and walk away!

Tip # 2: Exercise is Good for Your Body

I know, exercise is work plus work is a four-letter word. But it actually should be part of a regular routine. Plus while a minimum of 15 minutes a day is best, even thirty minutes three times every week helps!

The trick is to pick something you get pleasure from or can easily do. For instance, if you like window shopping, try mall-walking -- no need to stress concerning the weather.

Would you rather stay inside your house? No problem! A large amount of options here, from one of those does-everything-and-then-some exercise machines to one of the walking videos that really do give you a great workout in 15 to 20 minutes.

A Surprise Tip: Drink Green Tea

Bet you did not expect this tip, but green tea is full of polyphenols, which may help stop cholesterol from becoming glue in your arteries. In fact it's one of the foods which lower cholesterol. It also contains a complete truckload of anti-oxidants that help your body as a whole perform well (as well as your heart).

(If you don't like the aroma of green tea, there are good supplements accessible in capsule form.) So, no reason for not taking green tea! - 32389

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What Is A Heart Arrhythmia?

By Jennifer Ransome

Your heartbeat is triggered by electrical impulses produced by the sinus node, a group of cells located within your right atrium. The electrical signal starts in your atria and works downward toward the ventricles. As it travels, it causes the individual chambers to contract, pumping blood throughout your body. This occurs between 60 and 100 times per minute.

A heart arrhythmia (HA) is a problem that either accelerates or slows your heartbeat. In many cases, they're relatively mild and will not affect your standard of living. However, there are circumstances in which a problematic heartbeat can hamper the flow of blood to the rest of your body. If that happens, an arrhythmia can be potentially life-threatening. Below, we'll describe a few types of arrhythmias that may require medical attention.

Atrial Fibrillation

One of the most common (and serious) forms of HA is atrial fibrillation (AF). This is a condition in which the atria quivers at a rate that can climb to 600 beats per minute. The beat is erratic and disorganized, and fails to travel the normal path from the atria to the ventricles. That prevents the atria from properly pumping blood to the ventricles and out to the rest of your body. Atrial fibrillation is not always life-threatening, but can increase the likelihood of suffering a stroke or heart failure.

Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia

The electrical impulses from the sinus node can occasionally reroute themselves back into the atria rather than traveling through the atrioventricular node to the ventricles. The condition is called paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) and causes an accelerated heartbeat within the atria. It rarely happens perpetually. Instead, it occurs and ends abruptly.

A condition that is related to PSVT is called Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. This is characterized by the electrical signals traveling from the atria to the ventricles through an alternate route. The result is an erratic rhythm and heartbeat within the ventricles.

Ventricular Tachycardia And Fibrillation

Ventricular tachycardia is rarely serious. This is an arrhythmia in which the ventricles' rhythm accelerates for a few seconds after which it returns to normal. Having said that, if the rapid beat continues for longer than a few seconds, ventricular tachycardia can become dangerous and lead to ventricular fibrillation (V-fib).

Ventricular fibrillation is characterized by the quivering of the ventricles. When this happens, the ventricles cannot pump blood to the rest of your body. This type of HA is potentially fatal is it is not treated immediately.


The arrhythmias described above are tachycardias; they describe circumstances in which your heartbeat accelerates. Bradyarrhythmias represent the opposite effect - a circumstance in which your heart rate slows. In severe cases, the muscle cannot effectively pump blood. As is the case with ventricular fibrillation, it is potentially fatal if not treated quickly.

Not all arrhythmias are serious. However, if you suspect an abnormal heart rate, consult your physician to discuss your options. - 32389

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Looking For A Nutrition Tea To Add Zest To Your Life?

By Aoife Joyce

Have you heard that Green Tea as a nutrition tea is hugely beneficial to your overall health? If so, do you know exactly why? After reading this, you will know all its major benefits and you may find it is the perfect tea for you!

Green Tea along with Oolong Tea and Black Tea, originated in China over 4,000 years ago, and has been used daily since then to improve and maintain overall health. It is only in recent years however that their nutritional properties and their effects on health as a whole have become known worldwide. There has been a huge amount of studies done all over the world to find out exactly how good Green Tea is for you, and the general consensus is that it sustains and improves general health and life span.

The main ingredient found in Green Tea that gives it its 'magical' quality are catechin polyphenols, specifically epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Or as they are more widely known, antioxidants. The difference between Green Tea as a nutrition tea specifically and Oolong and Black Tea, is that Green Tea leaves are steamed during production, which prevents EGCG from oxidizing. Black Tea and Oolong Tea leaves however are fermented during production, which in turn results in the EGCG's being converted into other compounds. This is what makes Green Tea stand out on its own against any other teas.

Proudly holding 27% catechin polyphenols, Green Tea is confirmed to be 100 times more significant to you than its challenger Vitamin C and 25 times more precious than Vitamin E! You can now happily become a Green Tea convert on that piece of information alone!

Three Main Health Benefits Of Green Tea You Did Not Know, Before Now... 1.EGCG can actually kill cancer cells, at ALL stages of cancer! It does this by inhibiting the growth of tumours, eradicating tumour promoters, blocking chemical carcinogens and neutralizing enzymes that are involved in cell proliferation. 2.These wonderful antioxidants also lower LDL cholesterol levels in the blood, by latching onto the cholesterol globules and preventing them from sticking to the lining of the arteries for example. As well as this, they inhibit formation of blood clots (Thrombosis), which can prevent strokes and heart attacks. 3.Free Radicals, which are produced naturally to some degree in the body, are electrons in an 'unpaired state'. Because of this they can cause damage to cell membranes and internal structures, allowing development of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and can damage DNA. The good news is that, simply put, EGCG (antioxidants) kill Free Radicals!

After learning the main benefits of Green Teas remarkable antioxidant properties, you may find it easier to appreciate why for 4,000 years this nutrition tea has been consumed with devotion. If not only for its healing capacity than consider its effect on general well being. Knowing of how valuable Green Tea can be to your health, you would not be the first to assume that its flavour may leave something to be desired, nevertheless at odds from this; it in fact expels a brilliant flowery flavour and is superbly invigorating in contrast with standard coffees and teas! - 32389

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The Miracle Skin Tea That Is Green Tea

By Aoife Joyce

YES is the answer to that question! Are you aware that the term 'The Skin Tea' has been put upon Green Tea? It has good reason to have been applauded this name, that reason being that it has profound capabilities to improve the skins appearance and condition overall. If you would be happy to endure clear, renewed, youthful skin, then do read on and you will find out exactly why the future of your skin is 'in the tea leaves'!

Green Tea originates from China and dates back as far as 4,000 years ago. It is made from the dried leaves of the pretty plant that is Camellia Sinensis, a perennial evergreen shrub. The tea leaves are dried out using steam, which prevents destruction of the hugely important antioxidants found in this 'skin tea'. These antioxidants are scientifically known as catechin polyphenols, the main catechin being in short terms EGCG. This EGCG takes prevalence over the rest as it has such vast effects on the body's health as a whole.

The life cycle of your skins cells is 28 days. The formation of new cells begins with stem cells. These new cells take around 20 days to reach the extreme surface of the epidermis. When they reach this outer layer of the skin they are then ready to die. In saying this, it has been revealed that EGCG can react with these dying cells to get them dividing and renewing themselves again. So, if dying skin cells can be re-energised and renewed, what do you think this can do for the skin? Well, it will give the skin a replenished look and feel. It has been said that because of this reaction that Green Tea has the power to provide a 'fountain of youth' appeal.

A study released by Stanford University recently said that, via a volunteer group of Green Tea drinkers, the presence of EGCG in the tea verifies a diminished red vein look, reduction in pore sizes and refined skin. It also showed that EGCG can prevent the release of Histamine, which in turn lowers the skins sensitivity levels. This can have a diminishing effect on the presence of Acne Rosacea.

Top 4 Extra Facts You Need To Know

Harvard Medical School announced that "in test tubes, catechins (antioxidants) are more powerful than Vitamin C and E in halting oxidative damage to cell". In numerical terms, EGCG can massively be 100 times more assisting to you than Vitamin C and 25 times more helpful than Vitamin E.

One cup of Green Tea produces 10-40mg of catechins, which has a greater antioxidant effect than a serving of broccoli, spinach, carrots and even strawberries.

EGCG quenches Free Radicals, the 'unpaired' electrons that destroy cell membranes. Because of this, Green Teas antioxidants can work in conjunction with sun protection creams in saving the skin from UV radiation. It does not form a barrier; rather it kills off these free radicals when they enter the skin. Very interesting fact to know, considering that UV radiation is the cause of 90% of all signs of anti-aging.

Riboflavin, being one of the Vitamin B's, can also be found in Green Tea and is responsible for repairing and protecting the cells of skin, hair and nails.

As you take in the above information, you will quickly recognize why Green Tea has been named 'The Skin Tea'. In saying that, it's not just your skin that benefits hugely from the abundance of antioxidants; your whole body can become healthier and stronger by introducing it into your diet. With its array of benefits, also comes a wonderfully zesty flavor and can be made even zestier by adding some fresh lemon juice , which also enhances its cancer battling potential. - 32389

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Home Remedies And Cures For Relieving Constipation

By Richard Ealom

Constipation can be one of the most aggravating experiences you've had. Myself, I have to be wary of what I consume to stay away from this afflictive condition. There are a variety of reasons and causes for constipation, mostly eating fast foods and foods that lack loads of fiber.

The signs of constipation can range from nausea, leg pains, headaches, gas, fever and loss of hunger. All of which should not be underestimated and can turn into woes in themselves. It should be noted at this point, that even if bowel movements are happening, you might still be constipated. It's because if you have intermittent bowel movements and they do not occur on a daily basis and are not freely passed, you might still be considered to be constipated.

By and large, we should aim to eat more fruits and vegetables. This will add bulk and fiber to the diet and so assist with relieving constipation. Try to pass up those vegetables that are acknowledged to support flatulence: these incorporate cabbage, sprouts, beans and foods such as nuts and as well some dried foods. Processed, fatty foods and fried foods are also best avoided.

One of the fruits that should be added to the diet are figs. Well known throughout time as one of the constipation home cures, figs can be covered over night in water and be ready for breakfast the next morning. You can also use figs as the basis for a home made blended drink. Simply throw in three or four figs, add some prune juice and mix. This is a fabulous drink, that when taken regularly for several days will usually help to stop constipation.

In the case of expectant females, constipation is a consequence of a change in hormonal stability in the body and also because of the pressure of the now occupied uterus on the intestines.

Wholegrain breads and cereals should also be added to the diet of anyone who has irregular bowel movements or is constipated. These breads and cereals lend a hand to add the necessary bulk that our bodies require to get rid of the waste. The fiber in these foods is critical to keep the bowels fit and running.

Add exercise to your daily regimen and drink loads of water, as this will assist to keep your system working well and encourage the waste to naturally and easily leave the body.

For nigh on every person who has constipation, their first priority when looking for constipation home cure should be their diets. Obviously put, if you ingest the appropriate amounts of foods in the appropriate combinations, then you should have daily bowel movements and that will get rid of the necessity for exploring constipation home treatments. - 32389

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Ask Your Doctor the Right Questions About Heart Disease

By Kim Adams

When you learn how to talk about your issues and questions with your health care provider, you're taking an important first step towards managing heart problems. You are not the only individual who has problems communicating their issues to the health care provider who conducts your check-ups. However when it comes to heart health and wellness no question should be left unanswered.

There are those who hope that their questions will be answered during the course of an examination, instead of having to in fact voice them. HMOs and the busy schedules of doctors with waiting rooms filled with patients sometimes don't allow the doctor to spend as much time with each patient as they would like. Women particularly have to speak up, since even though they suffer 50 percent the deaths from cardiovascular disease, health care providers hesitate to talk about heart wellness in women.

Questions that you should ask your health care provider include things like what your blood pressure reading is and what is usual for you. You will need to know what your blood cholesterol and glucose levels are and if they're considered within range. Ask your health care provider which tests are recommended for individuals of your age, both at present and in the future.

If you have been prescribed medicine, ensure you discover the purpose of the drug, if there are any side effects, and possible interactions with other meds, either over the counter or prescription. Also discover if this is a long term medication or temporary. Tests to monitor the effects of the medication you're taking should be conducted at a later date if it's recommended by your health care provider. If you are on specific medications, many doctors will want to test your liver.

If you always seem to get home from your check-up and remember something that you failed to ask the physician, make a "need to know" list and take it with you on your next visit. Remember to take along a list of your current prescriptions. This is vital if you're under the care of more than one health care practitioner. Include your recent history of illness and surgery. This should be in your medical chart so that the physician can be mindful of anything that may cause a problem.

If you are concerned about forgetting what the doctor tells you, make certain to take notes or even use a recording device to use for later reference. Do not hesitate to get a second opinion if you are not comfortable with the advice and treatment plan of your doctor. - 32389

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Home Remedies Using 3 Natural Home ingredients

By Richard Ealom

Home cures are varied and quite common. Many home remedies are obtainable for your use and trial and creating an exhaustive list could take you weeks. The three remedies offered in this article will introduce you to some routine treatments for routine problems.

(1) Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Apple cider vinegar isn't simply useful as a component in dishes such as marinades and salad dressings, it has long been used as a cure-all for a variety of conditions. This remedy is also something you can produce at home from simple ingredients.

Apple Cider Vinegar Uses:

(1) Reduced Acid Reflux (2) Control of Allergies and their Symptoms (3) Decreased Sinus Infections (4) Improved Energy and reduced tiredness (5) Treatment of sore throats (6) soothing of sunburns and insect bites (7) Application to the hair to make it shiny (8) Dandruff treatments

ACV has lots of healthful ingredients that contribute to its effectiveness. These contain potassium, pectin, malic acid, calcium, and acetic acid. Potassium is helpful in the prevention of hair loss, brittle teeth, and habitual nasal drips. Pectin is used by the body to help normalize high blood pressure. Malic acid is useful as an anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Calcium helps to develop stronger bones and teeth and reduces bone fragility. Acetic acid may slow the assimilation of starches which reduces the body's response to create glucose.

Loads of recipes are to be had online if you wish to make your own ACV. The method isn't complex, and is not too time consuming. But if you desire, you can procure your apple cider vinegar from the majority of grocery stores. Always go for the most untreated and raw options as these have retained as much of their healthful properties as possible.

(2) Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide Uses (H2O2):

Hydrogen peroxide is not only beneficial in cleaning and flushing of wounds, it can also be used as a mouthwash, teeth whitener, ear cleanser, and may even be useful in treating the cold.

Hydrogen peroxide is often used as a mouthwash, it cleans the mouth much like it cleans wounds. The added benefit is H2O2's whitening potential. These properties can also assist in steadily whitening your teeth and are less damaging than harsh store bought teeth whitening systems.

For ear cleaning, hydrogen peroxide can be used on a cotton swab for external cleaning or used as a flush with an ear syringe to clean out excess ear wax from the canal. To clean the ears on the outside, just dab a cotton swab into the hydrogen peroxide and then swab the crevices of the ear. It is not recommended to put the cotton swab inside the ear canal, as you can injure your ear drum. For internal cleaning of the canal, use an ear syringe filled with the H2O2 and shoot it into the ear canal, then let it drain out. The H2O2 will melt the built-up ear wax and let it drain out of the canal.

Cleaning your ears with hydrogen peroxide does not only decrease ear wax build-up, it is also a valuable treatment for influenza. Simple applications of two to three drops of H2O2 into the ear canal at several times per day drastically decreases the time deemed necessary to heal from cold and flu symptoms. Each application of the H2O2 kills the cold or flu virus on contact. You may only need to apply it into one of your ears, but if each is infected, you may apply the treatment to both.

(3) Baking Soda

Baking Soda Uses:

Baking soda has lots of uses in baking and cookery, but it is also helpful in treating common conditions and is a very effective cleaning agent - and it doesn't produce those toxic vapors like those store bought cleaners do.

Cleaning Properties of Baking Soda:

Create a paste with baking soda and a little water to use as a cleanser for sinks, bathtubs and showers, stove tops and ovens, and any where else in your home where you need a slight abrasive product to strip off grease and build-up.

Pour baking soda into your drains to freshen and eradicate repugnant odors.

Utilize baking soda as a toothpaste to whiten teeth and strip off plaque build-up.

Baking soda can in addition be used as an effective facial scrub.

Baking Soda Uses For Common Problems

(A) Put a half teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water and stir to dissolve. Swallow this mixture for a very swift acting and effective treatment for heartburn and indigestion.

(B) Add baking soda into a container of water and mix. Soak a rag with this concoction and apply to the skin to treat small burns, sunburns, and other skin irritations like razor burn, itching, and poison ivy rashes.

(C) Put baking soda on your feet in advance of putting on socks to treat and prevent periodic athlete's foot.

These three home remedies aren't the top three for no reason. The uses offered here in this piece of writing are only a few of the many uses for these three products. But if you are working on building up your cupboard with easy to use home treatments to treat yourself and your relations, these three are the best place to begin. All 3 of these products are cheap, easy to get, and have a plethora of uses. From cleaning of the house to treating conditions, these home remedies will serve you highly.

Home remedies are as wide-ranging as they are ordinary. Loads of home remedies are offered for your use and testing and building an exhaustive listing could take you weeks. The 3 remedies presented in this article has introduced you to some ordinary cures for very ordinary problems. - 32389

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Yeast Infections- Natural Home Remedies

By Richard Ealom

Yeast infections are repeatedly found under the breast, in the vagina, under the skin folds, and even at the lower abdomen area. But you do not have to be upset about the irritations due to this infection. Additionally, spending a bundle of cash on MDS or pills is not a must. Trouble-free homespun cures for a yeast infection have been proven to supply cheap and nontoxic cures for this problem.

It is crucial to bear in mind that the best treatment is to keep your body hygienic and always keep the infected area dry no matter what homespun treatments for a yeast infection that you are utilizing. In order to keep the infected area dry and clean, you can utilize talcum powder on the area.

White vinegar is one of the homespun treatments for a yeast infection that you can employ. It has been proven to be an especially effective therapy for yeast infections. Furthermore, the bad disgusting scent caused by yeast at the infected areas can be removed by it. It will help to reduce the burning feeling due to the yeast. All you need to do is to rub the vinegar on the infected parts or douching it with vinegar.

You can use apple cider vinegar as an alternative to white vinegar. This is habitually used as a good first aid when the infection is diagnosed. This approach will not trigger any side effects and do not discolor the body tissues. Thus, it is one of the top household cures for a yeast infection.

There are certain other alternatives which can be consumed inside the body as well those which are used superficially. One such substitute is plain yogurt and it is a highly recommended cure. Always use sugar free plain yogurt lacking any flavors.

Seeing as it has good antiseptic properties, you can just consume the yogurt. You can also apply it on the outside to be applied on affected areas. On the other hand, do not let it come in contact with the skin for prolonged periods of time as this might produce some side effects because of the h2o it contains. Following 10-15 minutes of contact, it should be cleaned off.

An enormous foe of fungus and yeast is garlic. A a small number of cloves of garden-fresh garlic can be ground or smashed and the paste put on the infected area. The dreadful odor due to the yeast can even be stopped by it. On the other hand, you will have to stand the odor of the garlic instead, which most of us loathes. This is also considered one of the good home-based cures for a yeast infection since garlic has very powerful antibiotic as well as antiseptic properties.

Drinking loads of water is the easiest of all these homespun cures. You need to drink no less than four-five glasses of fresh water per day. Also wash the infected parts with clean water. Water is a tremendous cleaning agent, both in your body as well as outside. Filtered water or mineral water is best.

Several herbs can be employed for yeast infections. One illustration is Oregano herb. This famous herb can be used for yeast infection remedies.

These readily obtainable natural household treatments for a yeast infection are absolutely not dangerous and very reliable. You do not have to spend a lot of cash for them. As these home-grown treatments do not have side effects, they are completely trustworthy to employ. - 32389

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Good Health And The Omega3 Omega 6 Ratio.

By Peter Bertonach

You may be well aware of the health benefits of what are known as Omega 3 essential fatty acids. It's been in the news lately and more and more people are understanding the importance of maintaining an adequate intake of the important essential fatty acids known as Omega 3, and most of us are deficient in these. But you may not have heard of Omega 6 fats and may not be aware of the importance of these to your health, and you may not have heard of the Omega 3 Omega 6 ratio.

We all need good fats known as essential fatty acids for good health. Our body cannot manufacture these itself and so relies on getting them through our diet every day. Omega 3 fats are found in fish, and the vast majority of us are deficient in Omega 3 intake.

However Omega 6 fatty acids are generally found in a range of plant-based food sources that we are not deficient in in our diet. You find Omega 6 fats in sunflower oil, sesame oil, peanut oil, corn oil and more, and soy oil is almost totally comprised of Omega 6 fatty acids.

Because many of these vegetable oils are very cheap they are used extensively in processed foods, particularly in margarine, for this reason our intake of Omega 6 fats, though important for our diet in limited amounts, is excessive.

Research has shown that in the past most of us had an Omega 3 Omega 6 ratio that was roughly 1 to 1. This meant that we ate about the same amount of Omega 3 as Omega 6 fats. But because we now eat much more processed foods and vegetable-based oils estimates are that the Omega 6 Omega 3 ratio has increased to somewhere around, depending on the estimate, from 10 to 1 to 30 to 1. We are now eating much more Omega 6 fats than we have ever done in the past.

Whilst 6 is important to our health increasing the ratio between the 2 as we have done over the last hundred or so years is not. There are a range of health implications from eating too much Omega 6 fatty acids and too little Omega 3. In particular it is thought that we are exposing ourselves to an increased range of lifestyle diseases including cancer, coronary artery disease and various inflammatory related diseases such as arthritis.

And there is also an issue with our meat. Traditionally our farm animals have been raised on grass and this produces meat higher in Omega3. However farming practices have changed over the last hundred years and most of our meat now comes from grain fed animals which produces meat lower in Omega 3 and higher in Omega 6.

Whilst both Omega 3 and Omega 6 fats are important to our health most of us are deficient in our intake of Omega 3 and have an Omega 3 Omega 6 ratio that is way too high, and we need to reduce our intake of Omega 6 fats. This can be done by reducing the amounts of processed foods in our diets and by changing our cooking oils from vegetable oils to good oils such as olive oil. And we all need to be increasing our intake of Omega 3 fatty acids with daily fish oil supplements.

However, although all of us should be taking daily fish oil supplements, you need to be aware that there are wide variations in the amount of the Omega 3 fatty acids found in the different brands of fish oil supplements, and you need to know how to make an informed choice when choosing your fish oil supplements.

Visit my website to find out more about the Omega3 Omega 6 ratio and also about how to compare the different fish oil supplements available. - 32389

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