Alternative Health Products - The Safe Road To Health Restoration

By Richard Ealom

I visit an acupuncturist for my healthcare. Contrary to prevalent belief, acupuncturists do not just stick needles into your body. A major portion are well-rounded practitioners of alternative health. When I am not feeling in the pink and my body is out of balance, my acupuncturists gives me alternative health products such as nutritional supplements and natural cures to repair my physical condition.

For almost all prescription medicines on the market today you can discover alternative health products that achieve the same or similar purpose. Herbs like St. Johns wort may well help to relieve depression. Ginger is impressive for digestive troubles, as are a group of digestive enzymes. Amino acid supplements seem to be good for total health and illness avoidance. My acupuncturist gives me supplements that mix a number of ingredients, most of which I've never heard of and can not pronounce.

many, but not all, alternative health products have under went scientific investigation on their value and side effects. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) approves of such research and makes it obtainable to the public. Their website is a huge source of information on the subject. You can look for a specific alternative health product or substance and discover what scientists know regarding it.

But NCCAM is not the only location where you can find information on the value of dietary supplements and other natural cures. Many online retailers supply their readers with far-reaching information on products as well as newsletters to stay up with the latest developments in the alternative health field. A number of of the high quality sites even have mds on hand to answer questions.

Online retailers have something besides to offer: discounts on vitamins, herbs, supplements, and natural cures. This is good because, unlike prescription drugs, health insurance does not pay for alternative health products. Although they can be far cheaper than some prescription pills and equally or more effectual, insurance policies do not shell out for them. That is why retailers who offer supplements at a reduced price are providing a worthy assistance to their customers.

If you are considering a different approach to your health issues, it is important to discuss it with your health care provider. More and more medical professionals are knowledgeable about and supportive of alternative approaches. They may have important insights and suggestions to contribute to your care. Such as, they may be knowledgeable about, or be able to find out, if it is dangerous to take a specific herb or vitamin alongside a medication you are taking. It is especially imperative to confer with your health provider if you are already under treatment for an ailment or medical condition.

So, if you are dedicated to exploring alternative health products to address certain health concerns or improve your general health and wellbeing, you have a number of options for locating information and affordable products.

Unlike 20 years ago, when such information was sparse and tough to find, there is a lot of information out there. A quickly rising number of consumers and medical providers are confident of the usefulness of many of the alternative products on the market. If you are interested, you will have no trouble learning what you need to know. - 32389

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Erectile Dysfunction Could be Sign of Heart Disease

By Christian Goodman

If you're noticing erectile dysfunction, it could be an early indicator of heart disease. Robert Kloner, a cardiologist at Keck School of Medicine in Los Angeles, told U.S. News and World Report, "Characteristics of erectile dysfunction seem to occur three to four years before symptoms of coronary artery disease."

The inability to develop or maintain an erection may be a signal of heart disease because an erection depends on healthy blood flow. In many cases, erectile dysfunction and coronary artery disease are caused by the same underlying problem: artery wall plaque build up. This plaque buildup can prevent blood from reaching the penis (and other parts of the body) and cause high blood pressure.

The development of heart disease is 80 per cent more likely in men with erectile dysfunction, according to a study from the Mayo Clinic. If you have experienced, even slight symptoms of, erectile dysfunction, consider it a wake-up call. You can save your erections and your heart by making healthier choices. First of all, tell your doctor about your situation. Sure, it's embarrassing, but that embarrassment will only last for a few seconds. A heart attack, on the other hand, will have permanent consequences.

Obesity is a major risk factor. If you're overweight, cut back on fat and sugar in your diet. Try to eat mostly fruits, vegetables, and unrefined grains like brown rice, plus a little fresh meat. Don't eat too much meat because it is very high in fat. We live in a fast-food society, but if you want to get healthy, you have to learn how to shop for healthy foods and prepare them yourself.

If you smoke, find a way to quit. There are so many options for smoking cessation, including nicotine patches and gum. You could even buy an electronic cigarette that satisfies your cravings for nicotine and oral fixation without the harmful effects of the smoke. Pharmaceutical and counseling options for smoking cessation are also available. Find something that works for you.

A consistent exercise schedule will help you lose weight and stay healthy. It's never too late to start exercising. One study found that men who started exercising in middle age had a 70 lessened risk of erectile dysfunction. You can regain normal sexual function with regular exercise, even if you currently suffer from erectile dysfunction.

You should try to exercise a minimum of 30 minutes five times a week. You don't have to join a gym or buy a home gym. Exercise can be as easy as walking. In fact, walking is one of the healthiest, most natural types of exercise, and the injury risk is low. The type of exercise doesn't matter as much as the frequency of the exercise. Stick to a regular schedule. Try to get your heart rate up when you exercise. You don't necessarily have to wear yourself out, but you should be breathing harder than normal. But first, talk to your doctor before commencing any type of exercise routine, especially if you know you have heart disease. Your doctor may suggest that you avoid strenuous exercises. To learn more about easy, low-impact, heart-healthy exercises, see these hypertension exercises.

EL331004 - 32389

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Coffee Drinkers Unite And Rejoice!

By Linda Blender

For some of us, our morning coffee fix is as essential as cleaning our teeth. I personally need at least 2 or 3 mugs of the brown stuff before lunch. But I have friends who can easily sink 4 or 5 in the same time span. For years we've heard about different research groups warning us of the dangers of too much coffee or singing its medical benefits. Today it seems like the medical experts have finally agreed upon the health benefits of coffee to all parts of our body from head to toe. Like any stimulant, it also depends on the wellbeing and medical condition of the individual. But for arguments sake, we'll presume you are an average male or female without any known medical issues.

Here are 4 reasons to be a cheerful coffee drinker:

1. Antioxidants In Coffee Are Good For Your Health: That is correct! Coffee contains antioxidants which protect your body from conditions such as cancer, heart problems, cirrhosis of the liver, and gallstones. As a healthy part off your diet, you must be careful not to drink too much coffee and also get your antioxidants from other fruit and vegetables throughout the day... a balanced diet including coffee is the way to go!

2. Coffee Helps Protects Your Heart: Recent studies have shown that drinking 4 to 5 cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of dying from heart disease by up to 50% compared to non-coffee drinkers. If you suffer from hypertension the caffeine can cause your arteries to constrict and raise your blood pressure. However, the temporary increase in blood pressure isn't a problem for those who don't have hypertension to begin with.

3. Coffee Can Boost Your Memory: A balanced moderate consumption has a beneficial effect over your mental and physical effect. Coffee helps reduce the sensation of tiredness, improves your short term memory and increases your intellectual performance. Drinking coffee on a regular and moderate basis may also reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease by up to 60%!

4. Coffee Can Help You Burn Fat: Caffeine suppresses your appetite and increases your heart rate and metabolism. Combine this with a healthy diet and moderate exercise and you can boost the amount of fat you burn by up to a fifth. Don't rely on coffee to make you leaner. Without exercise and a healthy diet you'll not reap any of the benefits. - 32389

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How To Cure Health Problems From Your Kitchen.

By Richard Ealom

Would'nt you like to uncover hundreds of household remedies you can apply when you want to care for any everyday health condition for instance acne or nausea, insomnia or wrinkles and almost everything in between?

A home remedy is in essence anything you can apply at home that does not need a prescription. You most likely own many of the ingredients in your cupboards already:


use it in place of talcum powder to counteract body or foot odors.


add it to a tepid footbath to reduce a headache.


hold a damp one over a mouth canker sore to reduce the sting.

Some, such as arnica balm, are sold in health-food markets whilst others like chamomile tea are sold in supermarkets.

In current medical practice, long-established curative techniques are sometimes abandoned but, by and large, they have not been totally lost. Physiotherapists utilize the same hot and cold treatments that were routine among Indigenous American tribes - treatments that often work better than prescription drugs but with out any of the side effects.

A cut from a kitchen knife may perhaps mend sooner when you apply antibacterial salve. But did you know that applying it with honey does the identical thing and works even more quickly?

Molly Hopkins, a 60 year-old landscaper, discovered first-hand that alternative remedies can work better than prescribed pills. 'I used to get sinus infections when ever I caught a cold and then I had to take antibiotics,' she says. An acquaintance, who is a family MD, told her to commence taking echinacea at the first notice of sniffles. 'I have not had a severe cold ever since that time - and no sinus infections at all'.

Nearly all of us employ conventional cures for minor aches and pains, but doctors at top research institutions are beginning to understand that they can also help out with critical health problems. Take diabetes, for example, hundreds of millions of people have to to receive injections every day or oral drugs to keep their blood sugar levels steady. But those who eat a clove of garlic daily, may be able to drop their blood sugar naturally, and with it, their doses of medication.

Depression is another ailment that frequently requires pills, but studies confirm that the herb Saint Johns Wort might be as effective as drugs for minor to moderate conditions. Several of the most popular home cures, such as yogurt for fungal infections or chamomile tea for wakefulness, have been used for generations. Others, what you might name -future traditions- that will be passed on to our kids and grandchildren - are being developed every day.

* Creams containing the herb arnica, help bruises to cure quicker and with a lesser amount of pain because they contain natural pain killing and anti-inflammatory compounds.

* A blend of honey and yogurt forms a natural bleach that can assist to lighten the brown liver spots that normally show on the backs of our hands as we mature.

* Researchers at a USA childrens hospital recently found that duct tape, that do-it-all family standby, can make warts go away in only a few days.

Dont you believe that it is time that you discovered the usefulness of natural home remedies, and just why they are enjoying such a flood of esteem nowadays? - 32389

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Using Natural Approaches To Healing Via Natural Therapeutic Remedies

By Richard Ealom

The chief and major difference in side effects between natural healing remedies and those listed in the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) is that the PDR has dual blind studies and research listing what quantities produces which side effects, whereas lots of herbal treatments lack this criterion. That being said, the majority of accepted and traditional curative doses of herbal treatments are small enough to stay away from the most terrible and unsafe side effects. Whether particular herbs gain their effect from the placebo effect is also open to argument.

There are many unique types of natural healing treatments available in our day and there is an ever-growing awareness and lure in everything from a homeopathic remedy for arthritis to finding qualified herbalists or herbal practitioners in a particular area. Individuals want to be aware of things like what are the best detoxification programs and supplements. what are the finest nutrients and natural resources for treating and preventing specific circumstances.

Listed below are some examples of natural curing remedies:


Heal eczema with pine tar soap - This treatment is great for infants who suffer from eczema. Go to your community health food store and ask for pine tar soap. Wash with this soap every day and you will find substantial improvements within a week or two.


Heal boils using tomato paste - Rub on tomato paste on and around the boil. Cover this with some gauze and tape and leave it on overnight. The next morning the boil will have rupture or is about to burst. Duplicate this remedy if necessary.


Cure head lice utilizing olive oil - Massage a sufficient amount olive oil in the hair and scalp to cover liberally. Put on a shower cap and leave on it overnight. In the A.M. wash out with Dawn dish washing liquid. If you have thick or long hair it may possibly take a couple of times to get all the oil out.


Gout therapy employing Celery seeds - These seeds eradicate uric acid from the body so it is quite helpful relieving gout. It is said that celery seeds have something like twenty different anti-inflammatory agents. Boil 1 tablespoon of celery seeds in 2 cups of water. When the seeds are soft, drain and hold the water. Down half a cup of this water 4 times a day. This process should not be used by expectant woman as it could induce labor.


Treat dandruff using aspirin - This treatment was suggested by a barber after I had tried all the dandruff shampoos on the supermarket shelf. Crush 2 aspirins into the routine quantity of shampoo you would typically wash your hair with. Leave it on for twenty minutes then rinse your hair. Clean your hair with natural shampoo to make sure all the aspirin is gone.

Numerous people are becoming interested and questioning as to how natural healing cures work as an option to prescribed medicine, the largest part of which in fact only take care of symptoms rather than deal with the fundamental causes of the sickness. Even prescription medicines that are made for treating the cause of the malady (very rare) have a number of side-effects that often outweigh the benefits it is suppose to provide to the patient. - 32389

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The Quest for Reliable Online Alternative Medicine Information

By Richard Ealom

Even though the Web is abundant with information as regards every possible topic, its often tough to make a distinction between valid information and that which will lead you off course. In addition, its not always obvious when a website is truly providing information as a public service, and when there is a revenue reason behind the information offered. In other words, sometimes you can be sure about what you read and sometimes the information is slanted in order to cause you to buy something.

In most cases, this problem is fairly insignificant; when it comes to your health, though, you want to make sure that the information you are getting is both accurate and unbiased. This is above all true in the domain of alternative medicine, when separating out the snake oil salespeople from the straight shooters can make an important difference in your shape and well-being.

What are some of the hallmarks of a trustworthy alternative medicine site?

FIRST of all, it should be an actual informational site. This means that the site should not sell specific products or services. In other words, you should not have to spend a single dime on the website.

SECOND, the site should be incessantly developing. Alternative medicine or complementary medicine continues to be an emerging field in the USA, so new information is constantly coming to the surface. The site you rely upon ought to be modernized to show new information as it becomes existing.

THIRD, the site should present in-depth information concerning a realm of conditions and treatments. Such as, you should be able to discover valuable resources regarding everything from heart disease and cancer to skin care and diet.

FOURTH, there should be a method for you to play a part. For example, you should be able to post comments, questions, or concerns on the subject of a specific form of treatment or condition.

FIFTH, the site should treasure quality over quantity. For example, instead of having hundreds of reviews of commonplace books, an alternative medicine website should weed out the wheat from the chaff and only post reviews of books that meet a dependable standard of excellence.

SIXTH, the site should stress the perception of complementary medicine. This addresses an enduring dispute about the job of alternative remedies, that is, whether they are to be used as a replacement for traditional medicine or as an extra to it. A site that encourages you to incorporate both traditional and alternative medicine is likely to be more detached than a website that promotes one over the other.

SEVENTH, if you are searching for a referral, the site should be able to provide you with free referrals to alternative providers for treating specific conditions like psoriasis, heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis - with one forewarning. The forewarning is that the site should not accept any payment from the providers in exchange for the referrals.

The bottom line is that an alternative medicine website should provide you with the unbiased information you want to take charge of your own physical condition. It should admit that you know your body better than any health practitioner does, and that you can take steps to increase your own health and well-being. But most of all, it should offer simple information at no cost. - 32389

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Alternative Medicine - Your Other Choice

By Richard Ealom

Alternative medicine is a broad term that describes a number of types of treatment, cures and relief that are derived from sources other than traditional medicine. The therapies, medical approaches and philosophies that are encompassed in the term alternative medicine are too abundant to be fully discussed in this article.

There are a number of kinds of alternative medicine which are more extensively used and well recognized than others. Below are more common types of alternative medicine that have been accepted by many individuals and are commonly practiced.


This type of alternative medicine is a sort of therapy which is practiced with the use of particular type of needles. These specially made needles are slender and lengthy which make it easier to introduce them into the human body. The filiform needles are inserted into certain points in the human body which are selected for pain relief or therapy.

This form of alternative medicine therapy came from China. The Chinese developed a system of meridians from which energy is believed to flow. Tapping into these meridians with the utilization of the acupuncture needles will be of assistance to help relieve several conditions and ailments that an individual may be experiencing as well as help to relax and even decrease weight.

There are tons of diverse studies about acupuncture since this is one of the more popular types of alternative medicine but the results are basically open to doubt. There are a number of health organizations that do accept the encouraging effects of acupuncture but conventional medicine does not.

Many conventional medical practitioners say that while acupuncture may not be helpful there is nothing to lose if the patient would really love to test it. The utilization of clean and sterile needles as well as the application of the said practice by dependable and well qualified specialist is a must for this kind of alternative medicine. Whether it has a placebo effect or real effect on persons may depend completely on how amenable the patient may be to it.


This type of alternative medicine involves the treatment of disorders and other conditions by the use of pressure on the musculoskeletal system. In basic terms, the body, through realignment of the bones and pressure on the muscles is intended to recover its balance and be relieved or cured from various conditions and disorders. This alternative medicine type of therapy uses the manipulation of the persons joints, spine and other soft tissues to encompass the broad application of manual therapy. The manipulation and manual therapy is mostly performed by the chiropractor but he can also assign a sequence of drills and related therapies which the patient can execute on his own at home.

This alternative medicine therapy was founded in the late 1800s. This practice enjoys much popularity in large areas of the United states and as well as some areas of Asia. Chiropractic medicine is found to be successful in treating back pain and other problems related to the joints and bones. This alternative medicine therapy is acknowledge by many established medicine doctors as treatment for back pain but generally it is still thought of as therapy and not really medicine or cure. There is some controversy concerning the safety of the practice since there are some bogus chiropractors who have "accidents"


Naturopathy is a type of relief or treatment which includes several forms of alternative medicine therapies and treatments. The notion of naturopathy is that the body can mend itself without the need of established medicine through the assorted kinds of natural medicine. The use of established Chinese medicine, acupuncture, reflexology, botanical medicine, homeopathy, nutrition and even the practice of good hygiene are said to be included in naturopathy. lots of people believe in this ideal and try to heal or treat themselves through the employment of natural types of alternative medicine. - 32389

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